Invoking an Eclipse Wizard programmatically

Sometimes I find the need to programmatically invoke an Eclipse wizard. I’ve been using various ways of doing so, but have finally ended up with a more generic function. This will search through all the wizard registries and try to find a wizard with the specified identifier. If found the wizard will be opened. The code is shown below:

public  void openWizard(String id) {
 // First see if this is a "new wizard".
 IWizardDescriptor descriptor = PlatformUI.getWorkbench()
 // If not check if it is an "import wizard".
 if  (descriptor == null) {
   descriptor = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getImportWizardRegistry()
 // Or maybe an export wizard
 if  (descriptor == null) {
   descriptor = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getExportWizardRegistry()
 try  {
   // Then if we have a wizard, open it.
   if  (descriptor != null) {
     IWizard wizard = descriptor.createWizard();
     WizardDialog wd = new  WizardDialog(getStandardDisplay()
       .getActiveShell(), wizard);
 } catch  (CoreException e) {

I hope you’ll find this snippet useful.